The Kittball Collection
The Kittball Collection is a creative collaboration put together by Germany´s top House Music label Kittball Records. In 2010, Kittball created a charity project called „It Began In Africa“ with the aim to raise funds for the African Children Choir. The Project involved dozens of music producers from all over the world and after 3 volumes of releases the charity raised over 15,000 Euros. In 2017, Chema Mendez began creating the cover art for all Kittball´s releases, having created over 50 works of art to date and continuing. This is where OUR story begins….

It Began In Africa Charity and the African Children´s Choir
It began in Africa raised funds for the African Children’s Choir since 2010. The project licensed the ACC music so it can be remixed by a selection of some of the best electronic music artists in the world. The music is released in compilation volumes, with the royalty proceeds going to the ACC. The first three compilations generated over 15,000 Euros wich were used to support the choir and it’s social projects.
The funds enabled the building of surgeries and schools help childrens stay away from a life on the streets, and foster creativity.